Tuesday, 25 May 2021 06:00

Sirhan’s New Parole Hearing

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With Sirhan Sirhan’s next parole board hearing now scheduled for August 27th, 2021, Jim DiEugenio communicates the latest news on Sirhan’s case and urges everyone to write to the parole board requesting Sirhan’s release.
Monday, 24 May 2021 05:00

The Ordeal of Malcolm Perry

Written by James DiEugenio
Using recent evidence discovered by Rob Couteau, Jim DiEugenio revisits the experiences of Parkland Hospital Dr. Malcolm Perry regarding the anterior neck wound he observed in President Kennedy and the concerted and persistent efforts to manipulate his testimony and obscure the clear evidence of a frontal entrance wound.
Thursday, 13 May 2021 06:42

The JFK Records – Will President Biden Obey the Law?

Written by Mark Adamczyk
Now that the April 26, 2021, deadline in the Trump executive order extending the review period for the remaining JFK records has passed, Mark Adamczyk discusses the possible next steps in attempting to hold the government accountable for complying with the 1992 JFK Records Collection Act.
Friday, 23 April 2021 06:14

Bending the Story on a Bent Bullet

Written by Milicent Cranor
Milicent Cranor uncovers serious issues with Dr. Gary Aguilar, Dr. Douglas DeSalles, and Bill Simpich’s assessment of Navy doctor James Young and Dr. Randy Robertson in their article entitled Summary of Robertson’s Salient Mistakes. She attempts to set the record straight, while at the same time emphasizing the importance of this obscure piece of evidence regarding the “bent bullet.”
Sunday, 18 April 2021 23:00

Inside Clay Shaw's Defense Team: The Wegmann Files

Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio outlines and hints at who and what was involved in the defense of Clay Shaw against Jim Garrison. The reader will note that the trail seems to lead above New Orleans and into higher echelons of power in Washington, D.C. (From the archives of Probe Magazine)
Sunday, 18 April 2021 23:00

Bill and Ed's Washington Adventure

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Jim DiEugenio documents that intervention by the CIA—and other federal bureaus—on behalf of Clay Shaw and against Jim Garrison was actively sought by Shaw’s defense, and as early as May of 1967, was officially approved by the CIA, and later, other agencies. (From the archives of Probe Magazine)
Saturday, 03 April 2021 16:49

Biden, Trump, the CIA: Reflections in a Dark Mirror, Nixon vs. Helms, 1971

Written by Benjamin Cole
With the looming October deadline for President Biden’s decision on the release of the remaining files from the JFK Records Act, Benjamin Cole reviews President Trump’s recent history with the National Security State and revisits President Nixon’s interactions with CIA director Richard Helms with implications toward the JFK assassination.
Saturday, 27 March 2021 17:51

Tom Bethell: A Study in Duplicity

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Jim DiEugenio takes the occasion of Tom Bethell’s recent passing to review his literary career and especially his intriguing early connections to the JFK assassination research community and work on the Jim Garrison investigation.
Monday, 22 March 2021 06:59

Martin Luther King's Son Says: James Earl Ray didn't kill MLK!

Written by Lisa Pease
Martin Luther King’s Son Says: James Earl Ray didn’t kill MLK! by Lisa Pease.
Barry Ernest replies to John Armstrong’s recent article entitled “Oswald DID NOT Run Down the Stairs” by clarifying the record and revealing various assumptions Armstrong makes in his evaluation of the evidence.
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 18:00

James Moore, JFK, and QAnon

Written by James DiEugenio
James Moore picks up where Steven Gillon left off and Jim DiEugenio puts him through the same treatment, decimating the false equivalence of QAnon conspiracy fantasies and JFK historical research. Jim makes the case that QAnon is at best a myth and at worst a hoax, while throughout the JFK case one can find definite evidentiary conclusions.
Saturday, 13 February 2021 18:00

Litwin and the Warren Report

Written by James DiEugenio
As an introduction to the Fred Litwin Follies, Jim DiEugenio reviews his first book, which attempts to validate the Warren Commission using the thesis that “the authors of the Warren Report were honorable men who conducted an honest investigation and reached the right answer.” Jim, of course, decimates this thesis using a wealth of facts clearly available in the historical record.
Thursday, 28 January 2021 04:43

Caitlin Johnstone, JFK, and the Insurrection

Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio interacts with some of Caitlin Johnstone’s published thoughts on what she terms the “Capitol Hill Riot” and looks at the insurrection from the perspective of a JFK research community seeking justice and accountability whatever the cost.
Sunday, 24 January 2021 03:23

Deconstructing JFK: A Coup d’État over Foreign Policy?

Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio guest authors an article for CovertAction magazine, wherein he demonstrates that the Kennedy administration engaged with socialist and non-aligned leaders like Nasser and Sukarno, supported diplomatic solutions to conflict through the UN, stood up to European imperial agents, and was generally against right-wing coups and military intervention. In light of these foreign policies, the presidency and assassination of John Kennedy need to be reevaluated.
Saturday, 16 January 2021 18:45

James Saxon and John Kennedy vs. Wall Street

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Jim DiEugenio examines President John F. Kennedy's economic policy and his relationship to the American Power Elite by reviewing Donald Gibson’s ground-breaking 1994 book, Battling Wall Street, and the role by played by James J. Saxon, his Comptroller of the Currency, in attempting to implement that policy.
Saturday, 09 January 2021 22:35

Creating the Oswald Legend – Part 6

Written by Vasilios Vazakas
In the sixth part of this multi-part series, Vasilios examines a wilderness of mirrors, elite connections, and a pawn on the chess board as he continues to expose and flesh out the Oswald legend. He details associations to Richard Case Nagell, PFC Eugene Dinkin, the OAS, Bill Harvey, Edward Lansdale, Dr. Ochsner, Frederick Henry Osborn Sr., Allen Dulles, Ruth and Michael Paine, C. D. Jackson and Life magazine, Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, Freeport Sulphur, LBJ and Congo, Sukarno and Indonesia, and more!
Monday, 28 December 2020 19:24

Sirhan’s Upcoming Parole Hearing

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[UPDATE] According to Lisa Pease, due to factors related to COVID 19, Sirhan’s parole hearing has been postponed until the summer. We do not have a definite date yet, but when we do get one we will post it. Meanwhile, please continue to write in letters in favor of him being released due to the reasons cited in this article, and at the address listed below. Thank you. With Sirhan Sirhan’s next parole board hearing coming up on March 21, 2021 sometime this summer, Jim DiEugenio reviews the basic facts regarding the conduct of Sirhan’s defense team at the original trial and urges our readers to write to the parole board requesting Sirhan’s release.
Monday, 21 December 2020 04:51

An Open Letter from James DiEugenio

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The MSM is at it again, so Jim DiEugenio writes an open letter to Joe Scarborough, Annette Gordon-Reed, Fredrik Logevall, Van Jones, Kevin Young, and Steven Gillon to correct recent gross distortions of President Kennedy's record on civil rights. He also refers them to his landmark 4-part series examining and exposing this great corruption of history.

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