Thursday, 24 November 2016 15:53

Welcoming Remarks from the Editor

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I am honored to introduce you to our new web site. Formerly called CTKA, our new URL is Please bookmark it.


As you can see, the new site is pretty much a complete modern overhaul. I have always felt that, although most of our colleagues do good work, we never had the professionally styled format to match that intellectual achievement. We now have that format.

To go along with that new presentation, we have a new name. What we wanted to do is to recall an entire era of near history. One that contrasts dramatically with what we have today. When I was growing up back in Pennsylvania, the leaders I read about and saw on television were Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and John and Robert Kennedy. It was an exciting and progressive era full of sensational oratory, sweeping changes, and streets being set on fire with the power of protest and dissent. To put it mildly, Mike Pence, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Tim Kaine do not come close to those leaders—in any way, shape or form.   That difference in leadership is reflected in the different country we live in today. One that goes to war all too often on fraudulent and unnecessary grounds; one that is being beaten down economically by China, Korea, and Japan; one that has mortgaged the future to the tune of 18 trillion, while the gap between rich and poor has widened to a point unmatched since the Gilded Age. These macro trends are reflected in the life of our citizenry. To use one example: I graduated from college without ever seeing a tuition bill. The state paid my way in grants. Today, to graduate from a good private college, you will likely be in debt at least $100,000. Not a good way to start one’s career.

What this site wishes to do is to try to explain how we got from that exciting era to the dreariness of today’s political scene. Not just by examining those four assassinations, but also exploring the foreign policy and domestic policies those men represented. We are well equipped to do so. We have a battery of contributing writers that is second to none on the scene. ( This fleet of authors writes both reviews and research articles, the quality of which is unmatched anywhere on the web. We offer an archive that is a combination of the best of Probe Magazine, which published for seven years, and the best of CTKA, which published for thirteen years. We will feature those in, respectively, our From the Archive regular piece, and in our CTKA Classics section. We also have an AV section of interviews you can actually watch and/or listen to and features such luminaries as Jim Garrison, Mort Sahl, Jim Douglass and Bill Pepper. Finally, we also have a news section that keeps the reader informed on continuing developments in the field. You can bet there will be some this year with the final date for declassification of the JFK Act coming up in October of 2017.

I could not have even contemplated creating such a site as this without the help of Albert Rossi. He has devoted countless hours to its construction. I cannot thank him enough. Mike Walton will be our outreach liaison to social media. With a site like this, we need to spread the word. The dying MSM will not.

You can help us by spreading the news about also. You can contribute articles we can consider. Finally, CTKA never asked for donations in its entire life span. But in this case, K2K will. There is a donate button on the left of every page. We want to spread the word even wider; we wish to display even more videos; we would like to update the site even more – e.g., with email alerts through Constant Contact. To do that we need funding from our constituency. Which means you. Please help if you can.

Meanwhile enjoy, even luxuriate, in our new presentation. And come back often.


Read 2257 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 August 2017 20:21
James DiEugenio

One of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s, Jim DiEugenio is the author of two books, Destiny Betrayed (1992/2012) and The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today (2018), co-author of The Assassinations, and co-edited Probe Magazine (1993-2000).   See "About Us" for a fuller bio.


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