John Fitzgerald Kennedy (446)

Tuesday, 19 November 2019 03:33

Dennis Breo, the New York Times, and JFK

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Jim DiEugenio critiques Dennis Breo’s printed letter to the New York Times and revisits Breo’s history of spreading incomplete nonsense and denying facts about the JFK autopsy and the doctors who conducted it.
Friday, 15 November 2019 17:33

NOLA Express Interview with Mark Lane

We publish here the NOLA Express Interview with Mark Lane as contained in his FBI file NO 100-17689.
We publish here the Wilcott affidavit and interrogation by the HSCA, declassified by the Assassination Records Review Board.
Michael Le Flem reviews Stephen Kinzer’s Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control (Henry Holt and Co., 2019)
Sunday, 27 October 2019 15:15

JFK Records Release: Why the Redactions?

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After reviewing the recently released JFK assassination records, Mark Adamczyk outlines his frustration and outrage at the government's failure to comply with the JFK Act.
Tuesday, 01 October 2019 06:23

The FBI Knew about David Ferrie on 11/22/63

We publish here two FBI documents from the week of the JFK assassination that demonstrate FBI knowlege of David Ferrie and his association with Lee Harvey Oswald through the Civil Air Patrol (CAP).
Could it be that the terrible things that occurred in Italy in the postwar era were the result of the people responsible for running the show having cut their teeth on the real war, where it was clear that “anything went” in order to win?
Monday, 08 July 2019 05:31

Why Officer Tippit Stopped His Killer

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Jack Myers explores a "new perspective" on the JFK assassination, one in which Officer Tippit was likely murdered in an attempt to further the same conspiracy.
Monday, 01 July 2019 01:50

The Saga of Eugene B. Dinkin: Part Three

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Ronald Redmon continues his investigation into the saga of Eugene Dinkin by exploring some of the “psychological sets” that Dinkin retrieved and offered to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977.
In response to a recent NPR program on Jim Garrison's investigation, which he characterizes as “a pile of irrelevant rubbish”, Jim DiEugenio responds to Laine Kaplan-Levenson's production with relevant research and documentation of the New Orleans DA's career and his JFK case.
Milicent Cranor examines how Don Thomas gives John Lattimer’s Thorburn story a make-over.
Thursday, 25 April 2019 00:44

CBS and their 1964 JFK Cover-Up

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Jim DiEugenio reveals more about how CBS hid its unethical journalism in support of the Warren Commission in 1964.
Tuesday, 16 April 2019 21:27

Truthdig, Major Danny Sjursen and JFK

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Once again, the so-called progressive alternative media attempts—this time via the unfounded asseverations of a former West Point faculty member—to depict JFK as a typical Cold Warrior and an ineffectual president on all fronts. As usual, Jim DiEugenio demolishes the argument.
Monday, 15 April 2019 23:07

Was there a Wedding Ring?

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Reviewing in detail documentary evidence and testimony and following out its curious history, Greg Parker exposes the spurious pedigree of the wedding ring recently sold as that belonging to Lee Oswald, purportedly left behind on Marina's dresser on the morning of Friday, November 22, 1963.
Tuesday, 05 March 2019 22:23

Suppressed Evidence of JFK Throat Entry

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Forensic facts—definitive of an entrance wound—seem to apply to the wound in Kennedy’s throat. Yet these fascinating facts have been suppressed by the government, and many who write about the medical evidence seem unaware of them. If we ever get the chance to bring our research to the attention of Congress, this report may be useful to those looking for simple physical proof of conspiracy.
Jim Finn shows how the Warren Commission Issue of Life Magazine went through at least two redactions in which the frames and captions presenting the fatal shot were changed in order better to bolster the official conclusion. This was not the first instance of such duplicity for Life.
Friday, 25 January 2019 22:04

Bullet Trails on the Zapruder Film?

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When there is enough humidity, bullets traveling over a certain velocity always create vapor trails. They last only milliseconds, and usually go unseen unless captured on film. Following is an explanation of this phenomenon, and a suggestion that it might explain the white lines seen on the Z film.
Friday, 21 December 2018 20:48

JFK and Far-right Conspiracy Rhetoric

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The assassination of President Kennedy has not been solely the preoccupation of figures on the Left. Almost from the beginning certain groups on the Right have also focused on the murder of JFK. In this article, Quashon Avent surveys who they were and the ideas they propounded.

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