Saturday, 15 February 1997 18:46

The Left and the Death of Kennedy

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The articles by Ray Marcus and Martin Schotz do not so much explain the reaction, or non-reaction, of the Left to the death of John Kennedy as show, in the face of that non-reaction, that the murder of Kennedy was the first step that led to the death of the Left, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Thursday, 27 February 1997 18:35

James Earl Ray Hospitalized Before Upcoming Hearing

Lisa Pease looks back over the vicissitudes in the story of Ray's convinction, incarceration and requests for retrial.

An early draft of material on the Tippit murder later incorporated into John Armstrong's Harvey & Lee.

Whatever the forces behind these new twists, Judge Brown has now effectively joined the ranks of Jim Garrison and Richard Sprague as those too passionate in their efforts to find the truth about the assassinations of the sixties, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Tuesday, 15 April 1997 16:11

Is It Ever Too Late To Do The Right Thing?

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Dexter King's call for a new trial exonerating James Earl Ray for the death of his father.

Monday, 15 June 1998 15:50

The Curious Case of Dan Moldea

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The methods and approaches of his are highly dubious, as Jim DiEugenio demonstrates in this review of Moldea's apologia for the LAPD.

Tuesday, 15 August 2000 15:02

Oliver Stone vs. The Historical Establishment

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I wish Ambrose and Schlesinger had read the Review Board's declassified files ... [and] used them for their work in this volume. Until they do, Stone is completely justified in making these films and therefore keeping the historical establishment honest, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Tuesday, 15 August 1995 23:53

The FBI's Fib about the Mannlicher Carcano

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How would the public have responded to the information that, when firing the last shot, the bullet would have gone at least 14 inches above the point of aim on Kennedy's head?, asks Milicent Cranor.

Tuesday, 15 August 1995 23:41

Connick vs. Garrison: Round Three

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Jim DiEugenio follows the twists and turns in Connick's statements concerning the destruction of Jim Garrison's files, and the media's hand in obfuscating the facts.

Friday, 15 August 1997 23:33

Dexter King Continues His Long March

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A report on some of the ongoing media reaction to the King-Pepper-Ray trial.

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