Displaying items by tag: MLK

Wednesday, 11 April 2018 19:15

Does Paul Street get paid for this junk?

Jim DiEugenio carefully takes apart and corrects another misguided and misinformed attempt by Paul Street to characterize JFK as economically anti-progressive, complicit with southern racists, and a militarist abroad.


In tribute to Dr. King, we rerun three of the best pieces from Probe magazine concerning the civil trial in Memphis which concluded by exonerating James Earl Ray of King's murder.

Extralegal assassinations, unwarranted domestic surveillance, interventionist wars at the behest of corporate interests, torture or other activities of that stripe – these all have their roots in the Dulles era in which covert, corporate power developed into a well-oiled and unaccountable machine running roughshod. These dark forces have continued to operate regardless of who is elected president; and the refusal to face them has caused the Democratic Party to lose its way, writes Alex Sill.

Published in General

Why You Should Care That Selma Gets LBJ Wrong

by David Kaiser, At: Time

Published in News Items
Wednesday, 01 March 2000 18:05

The King Trial: What the Media Didn't Tell You

Tennessee author Mike Vinson recounts some of the key events from the Loyd Jowers conspiracy trial and his talks with some of the people involved in the case.

Saturday, 01 March 1997 05:14

Is It Ever Too Late To Do The Right Thing?

Lisa Pease chronicles the family of Martin Luther King stepping from the shadows of their own long-held doubts to call for a near hearing of evidence in the killing of the great leader.

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