Sunday, 18 February 2018 14:31

New York Historical Society Features Exhibit on MLK and RFK

Rebel Spirits: Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., February 16, 2018 through May 20, 2018

Friday, 16 February 2018 21:45

David Giglio interviews Jim DiEugenio on the Death of Bob Parry, and the Problems with The Post

ohh the post

A study in contrasts concerning the journalism of Robert Parry, whose singular groundbreaking investigative work did more than any other to shed light on the interconnected scandals of the Reagan era, vs the Washington Post, unduly celebrated by the eponymous Hanks/Spielberg film for its supposed role in publishing the Pentagon Papers.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript at Our Hidden History.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018 18:28

Update on Richard Case Nagell: The New Files

by Dick Russell, at WhoWhatWhy

The main reason why I am recommending this book is because it’s out there … I would much rather [regular, everyday people] bought a book like this one, than, say, one by Bill O’Reilly—or whoever the “other side’s” designated shill happens to be this week, observes Frank Cassano.

Saturday, 10 February 2018 21:51

White House Physician, Autopsy Eyewitness, questions President Ford about Missing Bullet

by Dr. Randy Robertson, at:  AARC

Friday, 09 February 2018 00:06

John Allen Stern, C.D. Jackson: Cold War Propagandist for Democracy and Globalism

Written by Michael Le Flem

Michael Le Flem finds this brief book on one of the most important figures in the history of United States psychological warfare and propaganda, Time-Life managing director C.D. Jackson, an engaging, nuanced and timely addition to Cold War historiography.

Tuesday, 06 February 2018 22:41

Paul Street meets Jane Hamsher at Arlington

Written by James DiEugenio

Jim DiEugenio responds to a recent hit piece which uses Joe Kennedy III's State of the Union reply as a platform from which to launch yet another doctrinaire and uninformed attack on JFK and RFK, claiming that the latter's grandson is just another "false progressive idol" like his great uncle.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 22:33

Robert A. Wagner, The Assassination of JFK: Perspectives Half A Century Later

Written by Martin Hay

There is a long list of books about which it can be rightly said they have added nothing to our understanding of JFK’s murder because their authors placed their conclusions first and then twisted, warped, and distorted the details to fit. Wagner’s book undoubtedly belongs on that list, concludes Martin Hay.

Monday, 29 January 2018 19:08

Joseph Palermo, Robert F. Kennedy and the Death of American Idealism

Written by Kennedys&King


During this, the 50th anniversary of Senator Robert Kennedy's assassination, we wish to raise awareness of his life and death. Joseph Palermo is one of the better authors on RFK, and this interview concerning his 2007 book is one way to begin that commemoration.

(Click image for video link)

Monday, 29 January 2018 13:50

Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews

Robert Parry has left us at the young age of 68.  Read this tribute by his son Nat Parry.

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