Monday, 10 September 2018 21:25

The Alex Jones Affair

In the wake of all the media attention being given to Alex Jones, Kennedys and King looks back to 2010 when CTKA ran a series of very critical essays concerning his extremely questionable treatment of the JFK case.
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Wednesday, 12 September 2018 22:05

Jim Garrison: The Beat Goes On

In response to a recent article which he characterizes as “a compendium of every MSM caricature of Garrison and his Kennedy case that one can imagine”, Jim DiEugenio revisits the New Orleans DA's career and his JFK case, and what the ARRB and subsequent research has revealed about it.
Thursday, 15 June 2000 00:00

The Two-Brain Memorandum

Former Assasssination Records Review Board staffer Douglas Horne put his career on the line with the ARRB by writing up the story of how two different brains, both of which were claimed to be Kennedy's, were examined, and how the evidence cannot be reconciled. This landmark memo, which has been summarized elsewhere, is presented here in its entirety.
Monday, 24 September 2018 23:33

The Three Failed Plots to Kill JFK, Part 2

Paul Bleau continues his exploration of failed plots and potential patsies, adding several candidates, discussing their profiles and drawing some tentative conclusions concerning the nature of their connections, particularly to the FPCC and SWP.
Thursday, 27 September 2018 00:55

David Giglio interviews Joseph McBride

on his book Into the Nightmare.  At: Our Hidden History (YouTube)

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Sunday, 30 September 2018 18:14

Creating the Oswald Legend – Part 2

In the second part of this multi-part series, Vasilios examines Oswald’s links to CIA-sponsored or CIA-connected anti-communist organizations and figures, and asks if it is possible that Oswald was being prepared from the outset to be an infiltrator.
Thursday, 04 October 2018 23:02

MacArthur’s Last Stand Against a Winless War

He leaned on JFK to stay out of Vietnam. Had Kennedy survived, might history have been different?

By Mark Perry, At: The American Conservative

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In the first part of this long review essay, Jim DiEugenio lays bare the atrocities which ensued from a defeated Reconstruction and the legal and social precedents this created, in an effort to clarify the historical backdrop to the inaction of nearly every US president up until JFK. Listen now to Part 1 (Reconstruction) of the interview with David Giglio, courtesy of Our Hidden History
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