As with many things, Jim Garrison was the first investigator to elucidate a three-sided conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, the three participants being the CIA, the Cuban exiles, and the Mob. He had done this unearthing during his inquiry, but he formally announced it in a famous cover story for New Orleans Magazine in 1976. The Church Committee's exposure of the CIA/Mafia plots to kill Castro filled this in with the figures of John Roselli and Santo Trafficante. And it also outlined the close relationship between CIA officer Bill Harvey and Roselli. Tony Summers made this triangular plot a feature of his book Conspiracy, first published in 1980. In the nineties, Fidel Castro's chief of security, Fabian Escalante, began to publish and speak on the subject of JFK's murder and he also advocated for this view of the plot. Paul Bleau here synthesizes the decades-long history of cooperation between Cubans,…
Thursday, 12 April 2018 20:53

RFK Acoustics Evidence (2007)

This 2007 Discovery Channel documentary explores the audio evidence in the Robert F. Kennedy assassination and how it reveals a second gunman at the Ambassador Hotel.

Published in Videos & Interviews
Written and producedby Len Osanic & Jeff Carter Episode 9 is now available. Episode 8 Episode 7 Episode 6 Episode 5 Episode 4 Episode 3 Episode 2 Episode 1  
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Thursday, 19 April 2018 21:51

Thursday April 26, 2018 Deadline Looms

By Bill Kelly, At:  JFKcountercoup

Published in News Items
If the bullet wound in John Kennedy’s throat was an entrance, then of course the shot came from the front. But that small hole in the skin, when viewed in relation to the neck’s internal damage, can tell you even more about where that shot came from, writes Milicent Cranor.

By Alanna Durkin Richer, Associated Press, at: The Detroit News

Published in News Items
Saturday, 28 April 2018 17:01

The Tippit Case in the New Millennium

In this dense and expertly synthesized review, Jim DiEugenio shows how more recent evidence has caused our understanding of the Tippit murder and its relationship to the assassination to evolve.

Interview of Rex Bradford, with Jeff Schechtman, for WhoWhatWhy

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