Displaying items by tag: JFK ASSASSINATION

Tuesday, 18 December 2007 16:23

Oswald's Ghost

Jim DiEugenio deems the television documentary by Roger Stone a transparent set-up with little that is new and little discussion of the evidence.

The book's use also lies in demonstrating that it may not be possible for one person to fully master, or give a fair accounting of, this impossibly tangled mess of a case, writes Gary Aguilar.

Saturday, 08 September 2007 22:43

Jefferies' Film and the Bunching of JFK's Suit Coat

The amount of bunching of the suit coat in the Jefferies film is not significant enough to raise the entrance wounds to the base of the neck. It is an experiment that can easily be done, writes Chuck Marler.

Saturday, 25 August 2007 22:37

"New" Film of JFK Route

Just how extensively this new Jefferies film will be used to promote jacket-bunching to explain the jacket/body discrepancy remains to be seen, writes John Kelin.

With statements like Mr. Goetzman's, one doubts if Goetzman, Hanks and Paxton really read Bugliosi's 2,740 pages or any of the critical literature released prior, or subsequent, to Reclaimimg History - especially within a month's time.

Michael Green takes Bugliosi to task on the evidence, arguing for a national security state cover-up through the mass media.

Jim DiEugenio remarks on the July 2, 2007 issue of Time featuring seven essays on JFK, that he "can't recall a previous time when Time actually printed a genuine pro-conspiracy essay on the Kennedy case in its pages."

Time magazine ran this short piece with David Talbot arguing for and Vincent Bugliosi against.

Published in News Items

In fresh tests of the Mannlicher-Carcano bolt-action weapon, supervised by the Italian army, it was found to be impossible for even an accomplished marksman to fire the shots quickly enough.

Published in News Items
Friday, 03 August 2007 20:42


Two excerpts on Cmdr. James J. Humes from late 1963.

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