Displaying items by tag: JFK ASSASSINATION

If the bullet wound in John Kennedy’s throat was an entrance, then of course the shot came from the front. But that small hole in the skin, when viewed in relation to the neck’s internal damage, can tell you even more about where that shot came from, writes Milicent Cranor.

Thursday, 19 April 2018 21:51

Thursday April 26, 2018 Deadline Looms

By Bill Kelly, At:  JFKcountercoup

Published in News Items

As with many things, Jim Garrison was the first investigator to elucidate a three-sided conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, the three participants being the CIA, the Cuban exiles, and the Mob. He had done this unearthing during his inquiry, but he formally announced it in a famous cover story for New Orleans Magazine in 1976. The Church Committee's exposure of the CIA/Mafia plots to kill Castro filled this in with the figures of John Roselli and Santo Trafficante. And it also outlined the close relationship between CIA officer Bill Harvey and Roselli. Tony Summers made this triangular plot a feature of his book Conspiracy, first published in 1980. In the nineties, Fidel Castro's chief of security, Fabian Escalante, began to publish and speak on the subject of JFK's murder and he also advocated for this view of the plot.

Paul Bleau here synthesizes the decades-long history of cooperation between Cubans, organized crime, U.S. intelligence and corporate interests, and expands it into what amounts to a visual essay in order to dispel the notion that such a partnership was too complicated to have been behind the assassination of President Kennedy.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018 19:15

Does Paul Street get paid for this junk?

Jim DiEugenio carefully takes apart and corrects another misguided and misinformed attempt by Paul Street to characterize JFK as economically anti-progressive, complicit with southern racists, and a militarist abroad.

The strength of the book lies in the tracing of the Oswald files through the CIA under Angleton’s dominion. No book on Angleton has done this before. And that is certainly a commendable achievement. Hopefully, this will become a staple of future Angleton scholarship, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Monday, 26 March 2018 21:42

Mort Sahl Interview with Elliot Mintz

In this remarkable Pacifica interview from the Sixties, Mort Sahl reveals how his career was ruined, as he lost two broadcast programs in Los Angeles and he was blackballed—not due to ratings, which were good, but because he would not be quiet about the JFK assassination.

Thanks to David Giglio at Our Hidden History for this transcript, which reveals more of the censorship of the JFK case by the media.

Published in Videos & Interviews
Friday, 16 March 2018 23:39

Michael Paine dies at 89

by Chris Smith, At:  The Press Democrat

Published in Obituaries

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has once again barred the public from accessing the personal documents of this assassination suspect.

Published in News Items

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