Tuesday, 25 January 2022 23:49

Gavin Newsom and Sirhan’s Parole

Written by James DiEugenio

Jim DiEugenio reviews the possible motivations for the governor of California’s decision to overturn the parole board’s approval of Sirhan’ release this past September.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022 22:01

The Kirknewton Incident

Written by Scott Reid

Scott Reid reviews the case of David Christensen, who, like another serviceman, Eugene Dinkin, may have also been an “accidental witness to history, having had prior knowledge of the JFK assassination, alerting the appropriate authorities who then did nothing and failed to protect the President.”

Friday, 14 January 2022 15:59

RFK Assassin Sirhan Sirhan Denied Parole By California Governor

Sarah Ruiz-Grossman, at:  HuffPost

Wednesday, 12 January 2022 16:40

Gerald Posner vs Oliver Stone’s JFK Revisited

Written by James DiEugenio

Gerald Posner recently emerged from obscurity to try to counter Oliver Stone’s JFK Revisited documentary by hawking digital copies of his 1993 book Cased Closed, so Jim DiEugenio yet again demonstrates to Stone’s detractors how the documentary uses evidence released by the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), which cannot be refuted by a dated Warren Commission apologia based on an obsolete evidentiary record.

Saturday, 08 January 2022 19:33

The Post and the 30th Anniversary of JFK

Written by James DiEugenio

The Washington Post continues to smear Oliver Stone thirty years after JFK was released, so Jim DiEugenio continues to inject evidence, scholarship, and truth into the discussion to expose the bias of the mainstream media and their continued participation in the cover-up of the JFK assassination.

Thursday, 06 January 2022 00:21

Oliver Stone on the JFK Assassination Cover-up

Joe Rogan, at:  YouTube

Sunday, 02 January 2022 21:48

Max Boot vs JFK Revisited

Written by James DiEugenio

In this latest installment of what is now a multi-part series answering the disinformation and lies of the Warren Commission apologists reviewing Oliver Stone’s new film JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, Jim DiEugenio responds to Washington Post columnist Max Boot’s recent piece, which is devoid of any genuine criticism and full of non-analytic smears.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021 16:33

Why Tim Weiner Never Called Me

Written by James DiEugenio

In response to Tim Weiner’s hatchet job on JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass in Rolling Stone magazine, Jim DiEugenio exposes the false alternatives and hypocrisy used in this review, which ignores the work of the Assassination Records Review Board and other new evidence presented in the film.

Friday, 17 December 2021 04:37

Alecia Long Lays An Egg: Part 2

Written by James DiEugenio

Jim DiEugenio responds to Alecia Long’s latest foray into JFK assassination disinformation by correcting her obvious mistakes and oversights and exposing her brazen attempts at misdirection in reviewing Olive Stone’s new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass.

Thursday, 16 December 2021 16:36

JFK researchers underwhelmed by latest release of assassination documents

Katie Bo Lillis, at:  CNN

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