Ronald Redmon continues his investigation into the saga of Eugene Dinkin by exploring some of the “psychological sets” that Dinkin retrieved and offered to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977.
Tuesday, 02 July 2019 21:26

Kamala Harris: Part 2

Jim DiEugenio asks when Kamala Harris ever officially proposed busing programs during her political career.
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Monday, 08 July 2019 05:31

Why Officer Tippit Stopped His Killer

Jack Myers explores a "new perspective" on the JFK assassination, one in which Officer Tippit was likely murdered in an attempt to further the same conspiracy.
Wednesday, 10 July 2019 05:23

Unmasking the King Probe

An article largely based upon interviews done with former FBI agent Don Wilson by correspondent Jim Douglass.
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Using powerful work by authors like Daniele Ganser and Phillip Willan about Gladio, and Michele Metta’s revelatory volume on Permindex, Rob Couteau’s milestone article shows how the murders of Kennedy, and Moro and the attempts on De Gaulle were not isolated events.
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Thursday, 18 July 2019 02:35

Permindex, CMC Documents

John Kowalski, at:  The Education Forum

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S. T. Patrick, at:  Midnight Writer News


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Monday, 22 July 2019 06:05

Welcome to Dealey Plaza U.K.

Bart Kamp, at:  Dealey Plaza UK

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We publish here a noteworthy interview Jim Garrison gave to a European publication on May 27, 1969, in which he draws attention to, among other things, the connection between the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK.
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