Sunday, 13 June 2010 18:01

Robert Groden Arrested

In a communication with CTKA, Groden discussed a posted story about a crackdown on JFK vendors in Dealey Plaza. He says he was arrested because of a complaint by the Sixth Floor Museum transferred to the Dallas Police.

Published in News Items
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 18:11

David Aaronovitch, Voodoo Histories

If the author had truly been serious about writing an overview of conspiracies, he might have left behind the large package of straw men gathered in this book ... [and] instead chosen from any number of real historical events, such as the 1846 invasion of Mexico led by Zachary Taylor, the 1898 bombing of the Maine leading to the Spanish-American War, Operation Paperclip, Operation Gladio, the Manhattan Project, the coup of Salvador Allende, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Iran Contra ... there are endless examples, of which these are but a few, writes Joseph Green.
Sunday, 31 January 2010 18:52

Reply to Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule

In a letter to the authors of the article "Conspiracy Theories", Cyril Wecht takes up their claim that "conspiracy theorists" typically suffer from a "crippled epistemology".
Published in General

Well, at least the man who created the see-through cover story about President Kennedy's death is finally gone. Unfortunately, on the evidence of their ill-advised tango with him, the Democratic Party is not even close to being resuscitated. Specter and the Warren Commission did that good of a job in beginning the funeral, writes Jim DiEugenio of Arlen Specter's electoral defeat.

Published in News Items
Saturday, 16 October 2010 19:14

Deeper into Dave Perry

There is a lot more to the Bledsoe arrest report than Dave Perry ever let on. Perry's writing is so incomplete, so one-sided, so agenda-driven as to be misleading. Which, as we have seen with Discovery Channel, is par for the course with him, writes Bob Fox.

Not only did neither [Gerald Posner nor Vincent Bugliosi] address Dr. Perry's inconsistencies, neither ever mentioned the official HSCA memo to counsel Robert Tanenbaum concerning the plausible explanation Mr. Gochenaur gave for the doctor's flip-flopping, writes Gary Aguilar.

Published in Obituaries
Jones, the self-styled conspiracy baron, is so polarizing within his own crank territory, that it was hard to find any credible voices in critique of him. I hope this fills that gap, writes Seamus Coogan.
Though my extensive examination of Bermas's film Invisible Empire may seem to take us off the path of Alex Jones and the Kennedy case, Kennedy is still very much in the picture, if a little more to the background. What this does is serve to give us an insight into the poor grasp of history, society, and theology which abounds in the Jones nexus, writes Seamus Coogan.
Gary King responds to part 1 of Seamus Coogan's article on Alex Jones, and Seamus replies.
What follows isn't so much an examination of Operation Northwoods, but how it came to be so entwined with the Kennedy assassination, very often incorrectly, writes Seamus Coogan.

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