Saturday, 30 October 2021 16:35

Alecia Long Lays an Egg

Nearly 55 years after the New Orleans inquiry into the JFK assassination began, yet another character assassination of Jim Garrison has been published, Alecia Long’s Cruising for Conspirators, so Jim DiEugenio diligently documents how the LSU history professor ignores a preponderance of ARRB evidence released in the last 30 years and instead relies upon the outdated and biased Clay Shaw apologia, American Grotesque, to smear Garrison and his investigation.
Sunday, 31 October 2021 20:02

The JFK Cover-Up Strikes Again

James K. Galbraith, at:  Project Syndicate

Published in News Items
Mark Adamczyk analyzes President Joe Biden’s action, or lack thereof, on authorizing the release of the remaining classified JFK assassinations records per the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which had been unlawfully delayed by President Donald Trump in 2017 and 2018, and calls for Congressional oversight to finally enforce the 1992 law.

Russell Brand, at:  YouTube

Published in News Items
Arnaldo Fernandez revisits the late-in-life revelations of Antonio Veciana and pieces together a more plausible sequence of events and motivations for these various accounts and their relationship to the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.
Thursday, 18 November 2021 06:32

Mort Sahl: An Appreciation

Bill Davy delivers a moving and quite-personal reflection on the life and legacy of political satirist Mort Sahl, who risked his career and livelihood to pursue the truth in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and influenced a generation of Americans in the process.
Published in General

Michael R. Sisak and Jennifer Peltz, at:  HuffPost

Published in News Items
Benjamin Cole continues his expose of the evidence regarding the bullet holes in Governor John Connally’s clothing by tracing their curious, even wacky, journey, dubious chain-of-custody, and contamination, culminating in the bungled failures of the Warren Commission and House Select Committee on Assassinations to properly analyze them in ascertaining the facts of the JFK assassination.

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