Displaying items by tag: MEDICAL EVIDENCE

Milicent Cranor examines how Don Thomas gives John Lattimer’s Thorburn story a make-over.

Tuesday, 05 March 2019 22:23

Suppressed Evidence of JFK Throat Entry

Forensic facts—definitive of an entrance wound—seem to apply to the wound in Kennedy’s throat. Yet these fascinating facts have been suppressed by the government, and many who write about the medical evidence seem unaware of them. If we ever get the chance to bring our research to the attention of Congress, this report may be useful to those looking for simple physical proof of conspiracy.

The author’s narrative gifts are as pronounced as her investigative acumen. And with this book as her lifetime achievement on a case that still remains relatively obscure in light of the JFK assassination, she will likely establish herself as the preeminent authority on the subject for years to come, avers Michael Le Flem.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018 21:31

New URL for TheMantikView

David Mantik's home site can now be found at http://themantikview.com

Published in News Items

Dr. Mantik states: “It is unique for me to write a second review, but too much remained unsaid after the first review. Wagner’s book clearly required more attention, especially since his profound mistakes are so often duplicated by the unenlightened mainstream media.”

(Robert Wagner has now responded to this second version; read it here)

From Dr. Mantik's conclusions: “Nalli runs into surprisingly many buzz-saws. If even one critical assumption is seriously wrong, his conclusion cannot stand. This review has demonstrated several such assumptions that clearly must be wrong. At the very least, the uncertainty in many of his parameters casts a strong shadow over the entire work.”

If the bullet wound in John Kennedy’s throat was an entrance, then of course the shot came from the front. But that small hole in the skin, when viewed in relation to the neck’s internal damage, can tell you even more about where that shot came from, writes Milicent Cranor.

Saturday, 10 March 2018 00:22

Ricochet of a Lie

Milicent Cranor addresses the question of JFK's throat incision, bringing to light the fact that it was, and is, standard procedure to make a fairly wide incision when penetrating trauma to the throat is observed. She also reports a very interesting lie Commander James Humes told to JAMA—and its significance.

There is a long list of books about which it can be rightly said they have added nothing to our understanding of JFK’s murder because their authors placed their conclusions first and then twisted, warped, and distorted the details to fit. Wagner’s book undoubtedly belongs on that list, concludes Martin Hay.

The complete visual essay prepared by expert witness Michael Z. Chesser, M.D., for the mock trial of Lee Harvey Oswald held at the South Texas College of Law in Houston, November 16 - 17, 2017.

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